
Our continued success is only possible through generous contributions from donors like you. Your tax-deductible gift will be gratefully acknowledged in the donor section of our website. Concert Sponsor and Season Sponsor levels will be acknowledged in all publicity and in printed programs. Contribute today and invest in West Michigan’s fine arts.

Thank you!

Consider one of these support levels and press the ‘Donate’ button to process your transaction. 

Checks made payable to “Holland Chorale” can be mailed to Holland Chorale, PO Box 1513, Holland MI 49422-1513

Pianissimo – up to $99

Piano – $100 to $299

Mezzo Piano – $300 to $599

Mezzo Forte – $600 to $999

Forte – $1,000 to $4,999 (Concert Sponsor level)

Fortissimo – $5,000 and greater (Season Sponsor level)