About Adventures in Harmony:
Since its inception in 2015, Adventures in Harmony continues to build momentum year after year. This event is a daytime clinic and evening showcase performance for local high school students led by a master conductor. The event alternates annually between soprano/alto and tenor/bass singers, with the cost of venue, sheet music, and clinician provided by the chorale.
This opportunity has gained the attention of music educators in the greater Holland/Lakeshore area. Holland Chorale adult singers mentor the students at the clinic and perform in the evening showcase. Reactions from students and adult participants have been very favorable and enthusiastic.
Adventures in Harmony 2024 will be held on Tuesday, October 1 at Jack Miller Center for the Musical Arts – we are thrilled to have Hope College partnering with us again for this event. This year treble voices from several area schools will work with Pamela Pierson, currently on staff at Hope College after retiring from many years at the high school level. Learn more about Pam here.
Information on past Adventures in Harmony clinics is below:
AIH 2023 was held on Tuesday October 3rd at the Jack Miller Center for Musical Arts on the campus of Hope College. This was the Low-Voice Edition and the students were fortunate to learn from Dr. Mark Stover of the University of Michigan.
AIH 2022
After a two-year hiatus due to COVID, we were thrilled to be able to offer Adventures in Harmony again on Tuesday, October 4, 2022 for treble voices under the leadership of Dr. Kimberly Dunn Adams, Director of Choral Activities at Western Michigan University (https://wmich.edu/music/directory/adams). A Showcase Concert was presented by the mass choir of students as well as performances from the Holland Chorale and other soloists and ensembles from the area.
A Community Enhancement Program grant for the Macatawa Coordinating Council helped to make this event possible.

Video from Showcase Concert
Zion’s Walls – Aaron Copland
Gamaya – Paul John Rodoi
She Moved Through the Fair – arr. Timothy Takach
Grace – arr. Mark Hayes
Young Women’s Edition 2018 – Octo
ber 3, 2018
This fourth edition of Adventures in Harmony was led by Dr. Gabriela Hristova, Associate Professor of Music at University of Michigan – Flint.Singers from 4 area of high schools will spent the day learning from this outstanding conductor and performer, and concluded with a giant performance in the evening! The evening showcase included the mass choir, and other very special guest performers from all over West Michigan! The event was free for our audience, but donations were accepted to support this wonderful program.
Video from Showcase Concert
Mama Who Bore Me – arr. Lisa DeSpain
So Fair and Bright – Bob Chilcott
Young Men’s Edition – 2017
Held October 4, 2017
Click on the poster image above for more details regarding clinician, performers, etc.
Click on any image to open the gallery and scroll through
Videos of Performance
Stand Tall O Man
Breaking Up is Hard to Do
Young Women’s Edition – 2016
Held on September 28, 2016
Click on the poster image above for more details regarding clinician, performers, etc.
Click on any image to open the gallery and scroll through